Crime Bluff
Pine Bluff, also known as Crime Bluff, is the 2nd most criminal city of the US after Detroit.With 50 000 population, this Arkansas town’s center looks more like a ghost town then anything else. Most of its shops are closed since the late 90’s, a lot of buildings are collapsing, leaving its streets empty and sad. Failing schools and poverty are all contributing to the town’s high crime rates and the area is crippled with gang warfare fueled by drug related crime. A few miles away from the city, the Supermax security Varner unit, is home to more then 2000 inmates, of which 40 are on death row. In last April, Arkansas has scheduled eight inmates to die over an 11-day period in April — the fastest pace of executions in decades.The state has justified the pace of the scheduled executions, saying its supply of another lethal injection drug, the sedative midazolam, expires at the end of April.